Debradamus Checks In

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

I Won't Bother With...

I'm not going to complain about anything major. I really don't have anything major to complain about that other people don't have a lot harder.

I could have started this while I was unemployed for months - I thought about it - and complained about how awful that was. But that seemed silly, what with my family all offering to lend me money if I needed, friends helping me look for work, and generally good support. So there goes that topic.

No, I'll stick to the trivial things that annoy me a bit, and some people might agree and others disagree, but nobody's going to get all worked up about any of it. Anyone else who wants to complain about minor annoyances without being told to shut up and get over it is welcome to jump in.

I'm sure I'll get to some creative conspiracy theories at some point, but the current government's penchant for pointless secrecy makes that too easy. And I'll make up some vague but dramatic quatrains that imaginative folks can interpret any way they want, but not just yet. I have plenty of stupid things to complain about. Not today though. This is long enough for now.


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