Debradamus Checks In

Monday, June 11, 2007

When is It Not a Conspiracy Theory?

Privacy International recently rated a number of internet services for attention to user/member privacy. The report includes a nice chart complete with colors. These are only interim rankings, but Google is all alone at the bottom, described as "hostile to privacy", with a black ranking which means they show "comprehensive consumer surveillance & entrenched hostility to privacy."

I guess I just sit back and wait for someone to reveal the government's involvement in Google's extensive data collection. Not that there's anything illegal in it, since people click the little Agree button.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Stupid Ad

There's a commercial for Angel Soft toilet tissue in which there are 2 angels (big guys) changing a lightbulb. One angel is standing on a pile of folded toilet paper. That's stupid thing #1 but I'm willing to accept that because it is after all the advertised product. But the poor angel cant' reach the lightbulb (it's a ceiling fixture). So the spectating angel says they should try Angel Soft toilet paper instead, points at the pile and it gets twice as tall, raising the changing angel to the bulb. Definitely stupid thing #2, but again it's the advertised product so tolerable. The unforgivably stupid thing is that both angels have large, white, feather-covered wings.